Ana C. R. Paiva, from the University of Porto, was General Co-Chair of ICSE 24 – IEEE/ACM International Conference of Software Engineering, in Lisbon, Portugal, April 14-20.

ICSE is an opportunity to bring together researchers, educators and professionals worldwide to discuss experiences, trends and recent innovations in software engineering.

ICSE24 had 11 co-located events and 24 workshops in addition to the main conference.

ICSE24 had four keynotes: Rupak Majumdar presented “Challenges and Opportunities in Model Checking Large-Scale Distributed Systems”; Martin Rinard presented “Software Engineering in a World with Generative AI”; Carol Smith presented “Trustworthy by Design”; and Soumith Chintala presented “AI is making us rethink everything, including software development”.

During the ICSE24 main conference, there was the opportunity to attend the presentation of papers on “Software Testing”, “Testing with and for AI”, “Fuzzing”, “Vulnerability detection”, “Static detection techniques”, “Program repair”, “Security” and other topics, such as, “Requirements”, “Human and Social”, “Evolution”, “LLM, NN and other AI technologies”, and “Formal methods”, among others.

Besides the track on “Software Engineering Education and Training”, ICSE hosted the co-located event AST’24 (The 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test) organized by RAISE, and the workshop SBFT’24 (International Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing) which featured the keynote by Anna Rita Fasolino about “Beyond the Class: A look into current trends in software testing education”.

ICSE24 exceeded 2000 registrations, representing more than 60 countries.

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