Educators all over the world are developing components for innovative educational programs which include software testing to meet the needs of higher education to foster quality awareness. These components are to be embedded in courses and curricula and need to be evaluated by students and educators. When evaluating new educational components, we need to be able to compare the desired or expected learning outcomes with the actual results.

The ENACTEST team is co-organizing the first version of the Workshop on evaLuation and assEssment on softwARe eNgineers’ Education and tRaining  (LEARNER 2023), which will be held on June 16th in Oulu, Finland.

Oulu, Finland, will be the city hosting this year’s edition for EASE

LEARNER 2023 is a workshop interested in any aspect concerning the evaluation and assessment of educational and training educational components for present and future software engineers. LEARNER will have a special theme of Software Testing Education and Training.

LEARNER 2023 encourages contributions covering any topic related to (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed) research in the context of software engineers’ education and training. For the special theme, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational and training methods for software testing;
  • Models, methods, and techniques for evaluating the effectiveness of software testing education;
  • Evaluation on innovative software testing teaching processes;
  • Role of soft skills and human factors in the education and training of software testers;
  • Metrics, measures and assessment techniques to evaluate knowledge in testing courses;
  • Tools specifically designed for education and training of software testing.

The workshop will expect a mixed audience of researchers and educators from both academia and industry worldwide to share and discuss findings resulting from the evaluation and assessment in the context of education and training of present and future software engineers within schools, universities, workplaces, etc.

The Workshop will be included within the program of EASE 2023, the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering which will be held on Oulu, Finland from 14th to 16th of June.

Important Dates:

  • Submission deadline: March 10th, 2023
  • Notification: April 14th, 2023
  • Camera-ready deadline: April 28th, 2023
  • Early registration deadline: May 5th, 2023
  • Workshops take place on June 16th, 2023

More details of submissions and organizing committee can be found at

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