Considering the increasing attention and importance that software testing, and verification and validation of software-intensive products in general is gaining, the ENACTEST partners are also actively involved in organizing various international events on this topic.

A promotional image of ITEQS, one of the several international events in which ENACTEST partners are present

Our participation in such events does not only help to further promote and disseminate the results and findings of the project to the scientific community and discuss them with the other experts in the field; but also helps our partners to closely monitor the latest trends and achievements at international level and consider them within the scope of the project, in particular, in our efforts to become a bridge between industry and academia, to ensure that our actions tackle both the knowledge and expertise gaps, and facilitate the transfer of latest scientific achievements to the industry.

In this case, our colleagues from RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) will be participating in the following events:

  • 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST 2023): AST continues with a long record of international scientific forums on methods and solutions to automate software testing. AST 2023 is the 4th edition of a conference that was formerly organized as workshops since 2006. It is co-located with ICSE 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. The conference promotes high quality research contributions on methods for software test automation, and original case studies reporting practices in this field.
    In its 2023 edition, RISE will be in charge of the organization, while another ENACTEST partner, the University of Porto, has also been involved as a member of the program committee.
    More information about AST 2023 can be found at:
  • 7th International Workshop on Testing Extra-Functional Properties and Quality Characteristics of Software Systems (ITEQS 2023): ITEQS provides a focused forum with the goal of bringing together researchers and practitioners to share ideas, identify challenges, propose solutions and techniques, and in general expand the state of the art in testing EFPs and quality characteristics of software systems and services.
    The workshop endorses contributions in a wide range of topics related to testing of EFPs. RISE has been organizing this workshop (co-located with the IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification – ICST) each year since 2017.
    More information about ITEQS 2023 can be found at:

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