We recently organized the 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST 2024) co-located with ICSE 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. Software testing automation is a discipline that has produced noteworthy research in the last decades. The search for solutions to automatically test any concept of software is critical, and it encompasses several areas: from the generation of the test cases, test oracles, test stubs/mocks; through the definition of selection and prioritization criteria; up to the engineering of infrastructures governing the execution of testing sessions locally or remotely in the cloud. With the emergence of generative AI, its application to test automation is eminent. The special theme of this year AST was therefore “Test automation for and with Generative AI” and using generative AI to facilitate test automation. Two keynote speeches on this topic were also included in the program.

Several partners from ENACTEST contributed to this event. RISE from Sweden was one of the organizers of AST 2024 conference, with several ENACTEST members from University of Naples Federico II as part of the program committee. Moreover, as a member of ENACTEST, Ana Paiva from University of Porto in Portugal was one of the general chairs of the ICSE conference. Porfirio Tramontana from University of Naples Federico II also received a Distinguished Review award.

We plan to organize AST 2025 in conjunction with the ICSE 2025 conference which will be held in Ottawa, Canada. More information about AST 2024 can be found at: https://conf.researchr.org/home/ast-2024

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